B.C. Liberals said on Wednesday that on the first day, Premier John Horgan said the government was unstable — but they said ‘we know that’s not true.’
B.C. Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau has confirmed she explicitly told Horgan she would support the budget.
Then Horgan said it was about ending partisanship while dealing with the pandemic, which is weird because Health Minister Adrian Dix has consistently praised the opposition parties for working cooperatively, the B.C. Liberals noted.
And not to mention, all three parties voted unanimously for a $5 billion pandemic relief package back in March. Horgan then sat on $1.5 billion of it for six months, only to use it as a pre-election slush fund. That’s partisanship, said the B.C. Liberals.
They added: “So what new excuse will John Horgan come up with today?
“Why doesn’t he just admit the obvious: British Columbians are facing a risky pandemic election because it’s all about John. He should just come clean.
“As British Columbians lose trust in Horgan for putting politics above people, the BC Liberals are working to restore that confidence and offer a plan to rebuild British Columbia.”
You sold the Surrey Property!
How can we possibly support you?
You dropped a candidate into the Maple Ridge Mission riding without going to a vote.
Was this because the other candidate was a person of colour?
Are you laughing about this behind our backs also?