THE BC Liberals say that despite John Horgan’s promise to be transparent about B.C.’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan, recent reports show that the government knows more details about the plan than have been shared with the public.
“The Premier told British Columbians that when he knew any information about the vaccine rollout he would share it, but as health authorities begin to reveal details of the vaccine plan, it is clear that John Horgan is not being honest with British Columbians,” said Renee Merrifield, BC Liberal Health Critic. “People across B.C. have been waiting to find out when they will get vaccinated and instead of demonstrating real leadership and providing people with the facts, Horgan refuses to be upfront with people.”
“As we move into the next phase of vaccination in B.C. it is absolutely essential that government is open and honest with British Columbians, providing them with clear instructions and information — both to reassure the public and to allow any gaps or problems to be identified early,” said Merrifield. “What we have instead is a Premier who refuses to admit he knows about a plan when there is clearly one in place, and a public that is getting increasingly anxious to know the details about when and how they and their loved ones will receive the vaccine. Horgan’s incompetence and silence on the issue is only adding to the confusion. People need to know the plan — it’s time for Horgan to be honest with them.”