Sports minister Jitendra Singh said that the government was mulling over conferring the Bharat Ratna on hockey wizard Dhyan Chand for his contribution to the game and sports in general in the country.
Jitendra was talking to reporters after laying the foundation stone of Rs 6.87 crore synthetic track at War Heroes Stadium in Sangrur (Punjab).
He said the government was also making efforts to sort out the impasse between theInternational Olympic Committee and theIndian Olympic Association so that the country’s athletes can take part in next year’s Olympics under the national flag.
Speaking about Punjab government’s desire to work for inclusion of Kabaddi in Olympics, Jitendra said the government was prepared to extend every help in this direction.
Local MP Vijay Inder Singla said that an amount of Rs 1.60 crore has been disbursed as grants from his MPLAD fund to provide various youth clubs and local bodies with gym kits and help in the construction of stadiums.