Arrested bookie Chandresh Patel has told the cops that he had met up with four players from the Hyderabad Sunrisers side, those who go by the name of “Perera, Bihari, Ashish Reddy and Karn Sharma.” This meeting, said bookie Patel, occured on the eve of the Pune Warriors versus Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) game that took place in Pune during IPL 6, on April 17. The most shocking allegation of the lot is that the match itself was heavily manipulated, according to the chargesheet filed by the Mumbai Police on Saturday.
Of the players named, all-rounder Ashish Reddy, 22, turns out for Hyderbad in the Ranji Trophy, while 25-year-old Karn Sharma is a leg-break bowler from Meerut who represents Railways in first-class cricket. The only player with the last name ‘Perera’ with the Sunrisers is Thisara Perera, who has represented Sri Lanka in six Tests and 63 ODIs — joining the Hyderabad franchise for its inaugural season in 2013.
While there is no player by the name/surname of Bihari, the Sunrisers do have a player by the name of Gade Hanuma Vihari, a top-order batsman, on their roster.
When asked about the alleged involvement of four SRH cricketers with a Mumbai-based bookie on Monday, the franchise’s coach Tom Moody preferred not to comment, saying he was there to talk about the ongoing Champions League. Similarly Sankapani, SRH’s media manager, avoided the question and said, “Our focus is on the sport right now. We are here to play cricket and nothing else.”
Apart from the cricketers, all of who played the said match, Patel’s statements also names “Ashish Reddy’s brother” Pritam Reddy, as being present at the Le Meridien hotel in Pune on April 16. Pritam was said to be party to the conversation between the Sunrisers players and bookies “Pintu (Ahmedabad-based bookie Pravin Thakkar), Yusuf, Jeetu and Amir (the conduit),” all of whom then discussed the details of the ‘fix’.