FINANCIAL reports just released by Elections BC show that British Columbians donated $766,515 to Premier John Horgan and the BC NDP in the Q3 reporting period. That’s $275,000 more than they gave to Andrew Wilkinson and the BC Liberals.
“We’re grateful for this show of support from regular people because that’s who John Horgan and his team are working hard for every day,” said BC NDP Provincial Director Raj Sihota. “People are seeing results from this government, and it shows.”
The BC Liberals raised just $492,939 in Q3 – a drop of nearly $300,000 from their Q2 total.
The BC NDP has always relied on small donations from individuals, but since corporate and union donations were banned, people have chipped in $5.7 million to the party – more than the $5.5 million raised by the BC Liberals and BC Greens combined.
“Andrew Wilkinson and the BC Liberals are still working for the top 2% and big corporations instead of regular people,” said Sihota. “That’s why they’re having trouble convincing British Columbians to donate to their party.”
Interim Financial Reports for every party are available through Elections BC here.