DESAI FAMILY’S SURREY PROPERTY HIT AGAIN: It happened again for the third time since 2005 on Wednesday around midnight as a car crashed into the basement bedroom of the Desai home at 78th Avenue and 122A Street. Fortunately, the Desais’ 18-year-old son, an SFU student, was away. The two occupants of the car ran out of the house but one of them was tracked down thanks to a neighbour who followed him and contacted the police. Surrey RCMP have charged the registered owner of the car under the Motor Vehicle Act with driving without consideration of others and failing to remain at the scene. But no criminal charges have been laid. Police can charge the owner if they are unable to confirm who was driving the vehicle. The Desai family told Global BC that they’ve tried several safety measures such as putting up cement blocks and reflector tape, but nothing seems to help. (Photo courtesy CTV)
IMPAIRED DRIVING CASE THROWN OUT: Ontario Court Justice Lawrence Feldman delivered Toronto police officers a slap in the face by tossing out a case of impaired driving against a Sri Lankan refugee because they left him in his urine-soaked pants for 10 hours and made fun of him during his search. The judge said Rathan Sathymoorthy’s Charter rights were violated as he “endured humiliation, discomfort and jeopardy to his composure during the breathalyser procedure and thereafter.” The Toronto Star reported that Sathymoorthy was arrested after nearly causing a head-on collision and running into the back of a truck on the night of August 3, 2012.