TORONTO — Premier Doug Ford on Thursday issued the following statement on Waterfront Toronto’s decision to proceed with the formal evaluation of for the Quayside of Toronto’s waterfront:
“From day one, our priority has been getting a good deal for the people of Ontario. A deal that protects the privacy rights of Ontarians and respects taxpayers while also demonstrating that Ontario is Open for Business and Open for Jobs.
“Today’s outcome isn’t a final agreement, rather it is confirmation that as conversations continue between Sidewalk Labs and Waterfront Toronto, these principles will be protected. By focusing the Master Innovation Development Plan on the 12-acre Quayside parcel, ensuring that the land was valued at a fair market price and that the privacy of data collected on the site is protected, the right balance has been struck between protecting the interests of the people of Ontario and encouraging investment, innovation and economic development.
“I want to thank the Chair and the Board of Directors of Waterfront Toronto for their leadership. Our government looks forward to continuing to work with all of our partners to create a world-class waterfront that maximizes opportunities and job creation.”