THE BC RCMP announced on Friday afternoon that it has notified the Independent Investigations Office of British Columbia (IIO BC) of an incident where a police officer died and the suspect as well as two other officers were taken to hospital with serious injuries.
On September 22, Ridge Meadows RCMP were executing a search warrant on a residence near the intersection of Pine Tree Way and Glen Drive in Coquitlam.
While there, the attending officers became engaged in an altercation with a man which resulted in multiple officers being injured and the man being shot.
Emergency Health Services transported all injured to hospital, but one of the officers was shot and succumbed to their injuries.
The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) has been deployed and will assume conduct of the investigation into the officer’s death and the injuries to the other officers.
The Independent Investigations Office of British Columbia will concurrently investigate the actions of police.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the IHIT Information Line at 1-877-551-IHIT (4448) or by email at
The IIO BC is asking any person with relevant information of the incident to contact the Witness Line toll-free at 1-855-446-8477 or via the contact form on the website.

Photo: BC RCMP
DEPUTY Commissioner Dwayne McDonald, the Commanding Officer of the BC RCMP, said in a statement:
IT is with a deep and profound sadness that I must advise the public of the on-duty death of an RCMP Ridge Meadows member Cst. Rick (Fredrick) O’Brien early today.
This is an extremely difficult and tragic day for the members of the Ridge Meadows Detachment, Coquitlam RCMP where the incident occurred, and the greater BC RCMP and RCMP family.
With respect to what happened, there are a few details we can provide, mindful there are two active investigations underway.
I can confirm that at approximately 10:00 am Ridge Meadows RCMP were executing a search warrant on a residence near the intersection of Pine Tree Way and Glen Drive in Coquitlam, B.C. While there, the attending officers became engaged in an altercation with a man which resulted in multiple officers being injured – including our member and the suspect being shot. Emergency Health Services transported all injured to hospital, but our officer did succumb to his injuries at scene.
The injured male suspect is in hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The Independent Investigations Office of BC (IIO BC) is now investigating the incident as it relates to police actions.
A concurrent investigation into the homicide of Cst. O’Brien and the injuries to our two other members is also underway and will be conducted by the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT).
As for our two members. One has been treated for their minor injuries and is with family. The other is still in hospital with non-life threatening injuries and has family and friends with them.
We all join in expressing our heartfelt condolences to Cst. O’Brien’s family. Cst. O’Brien was 51 years old, with a wife and children. He was born in Ottawa, He joined the RCMP in 2016 and just celebrated his 7th year of service a few days ago. All of his service with the RCMP has with at Ridge Meadows Detachment as a frontline officer and in community policing. Within months of starting though he was involved in the rescue of a home invasion victims, which included a child and the arrest of armed suspects. He received a CO Commendation for Bravery and provincial award for those efforts. Cst. O’Brien led by example, and had a great sense of humour. He was well respected by his peers and the community.
I have spoken with RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme and he has kindly offered any and all support necessary.
To say that today has been struggle is an understatement. The RCMP family is gutted. We are just days away from the BC Law Enforcement Memorial in Victoria that honours our fallen and about to approach the one-year anniversary of our previous tragic loss in Burnaby – Cst. Yang.
We are still healing from that tragic loss, but will pull together to do everything necessary.
While many who serve and protect will never have to pay the ultimate sacrifice as they do incredible and life changing things every day …. a day like today reminds us how dangerous the job can be and the ultimate price that is paid in service to our community.

MIKE Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, said in a statement:
“I was shocked and saddened to learn that Ridge Meadows RCMP Const. Rick (Fredrick) O’Brien was killed in the line of duty while attending to an incident in Coquitlam this morning.
“We stand with the colleagues, families and loved ones of Const. Rick O’Brien. Beneath the uniform an officer is person with a family, friends, and dreams – they believe in their communities and sacrifice of themselves to keep us all safe.
Today, Const. Rick O’Brien made the greatest sacrifice while protecting Coquitlam residents. He is not coming home to his wife and child today.
“On behalf of all British Columbians, I offer my deepest condolences to Const. Rick O’Brien’s loved ones and colleagues.
“My thoughts are also with the other two officers who were wounded in this terrible incident.
“All three officers are shining examples of the extraordinary individuals who chose to take on the challenging mantle of protecting the public.
“I have spoken to the local mayors, and we all agree that the death of an officer is a stark reminder of the dangers police face to keep us safe. They put their lives on the line every day to fulfil their oath to protect our communities.
“I have also expressed my deepest sympathies on this horrific tragedy to the BC RCMP. This is the most traumatic news possible for serving and former officers.
“We are profoundly grateful for each and every police officer in this province for their heroic service and dedication to duty and protecting us from danger.”