BC RCMP welcome expanded partnership in Lower Mainland integrated teams

THE BC RCMP has welcomed the Abbotsford and Delta police departments’ expansion into the Lower Mainland District integrated teams in collision analysis, and forensic identification, respectively.

“We are extremely pleased to have Abbotsford and Delta expand their existing partnership within the I-Teams and appreciate their continuing support in the integrated policing model across the Lower Mainland,” says Chief Superintendent Ed Boettcher, in charge of the RCMP-led I-Teams.

“As a policing model, the I-Teams offer an efficient service delivery model while providing assurances for municipalities against large-scale events and/or investigations that are beyond the financial and operational scope of Lower Mainland communities,” notes Boettcher, adding, “the model builds mutual respect and collaboration amongst police officers from different jurisdictions, while working on crimes and investigations that overlap multiple community boundaries.”

The Delta Police Department’s most recent partnership is with the Integrated Forensic Identification Service (IFIS). “It’s important for Delta Police to be able to provide a full range of forensics services to the citizens of Delta and to ensure any officers who wish to pursue this career path have access to high-level training and can gain a wide range of experience,” says Deputy Chief Norm Lipinksi.
Delta is already a partner in the LMD I-Teams Integrated Police Dog Service (IPDS) and the Integrated Emergency Response Team (IERT).

“Joining the Integrated Forensics Identification Services represents a sustained commitment to the importance of forensics, while allowing the Delta Police to stand behind its no-call-to-small policy,” Lipinksi adds.

The Abbotsford Police Department’s recent expansion into the Integrated Collision Reconstruction and Analysis Service (ICARS) expands upon their existing partnership within the I-Teams which already includes the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) and the IPDS.

“The Abbotsford Police Department is looking forward to integrating with ICARS,” says the department’s Deputy Chief Constable Brett Crosby-Jones, who is in charge of operations. “Being a part of ICARS will provide our membership and community with the service delivery, expertise and opportunity to remain current in the ever-changing field of collision investigations. Our goal of making Abbotsford the safest city in BC will be enhanced through this new partnership.”