Live on CBC Radio One, CBC News Vancouver and CBC.CA/BC and #cityvotes2014
City Votes 2014 Programming schedule:
November 4:
Surrey Mayoral Debate hosted by Stephen Quinn
Candidates: Linda Hepner (Surrey First), Doug McCallum (Safe Surrey Coalition) and Barinder Rasode (One Surrey)
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Live on CBC Radio One 88.1 FM and 690 AM and on Follow #cityvotes2014 on Twitter
November 12:
Vancouver Mayoral Debate hosted by Rick Cluff
Candidates: Kirk LaPointe (NPA), Gregor Robertson (Vision Vancouver) & Meena Wong (COPE)
Time: 7:30am – 9am
Live on CBC Radio One 88.1 FM and 690 AM and on Follow #cityvotes2014 on Twitter
November 15:
Special Election Coverage
Television: City Votes Election Panel – Larry Campbell, Anita Huberman & Maxwell A. Cameron
CBC News Vancouver hosted by Andrew Chang
Time: immediately following hockey
Follow @AndrewChangCBC and #cityvotes2014
Metro Vancouver – CBC Radio One hosted by Stephen Quinn
City Votes Election Panel – Frances Bula & Gordon Price
Time: 8pm
Live on CBC Radio One 88.1 FM and 690 AM and on
B.C. Interior & Northwest B.C.- CBC Radio One hosted by Rebecca Zandbergen
Time: 8:30pm
Live on CBC Radio One 88.1 FM and 690 AM and on
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