THE City of Surrey is encouraging residents to give back this season. Three trees have been decorated with donation boxes in the City Hall atrium to highlight three local charities: Surrey Christmas Bureau, Surrey Fire Fighters Charitable Society, and Surrey Food Bank.
Donations can be dropped off in-person or financial donations can also be made directly to each charity through their websites.
Surrey Christmas Bureau: Toys are needed to make the holidays brighter for thousands of local children. Check out the types of toys the Surrey Christmas Bureau are looking for in their Toy Wish List and consider dropping off a donation in the boxes located under the charity’s tree in the City Hall atrium.
Surrey Fire Fighters Charitable Society: For more than 25 years, Surrey Fire Fighters have been participating in the Adopt a Family program, assisting twenty-five families and over fifty children every year. Each Fire Station adopts an entire family, supplying them with a food hamper and gifts for the children and parents. This program truly embodies the giving holiday spirit, providing the opportunity for low-income families to enjoy a memorable Christmas.
Surrey Food Bank: The Surrey Food Bank provides food to families living in Surrey and North Delta and accept donations year around. Donation boxes are available in the City Hall atrium under the Surrey Food Bank tree. Check out Surrey Food Bank’s most needed food items list.