You’ve likely noticed it over the past couple of days, gas prices are creeping higher and higher and that could mean we could see a record being broken by the time the Victoria Day long weekend rolls around. is showing the average reported price for Metro Vancouver to be at about $1.49 per litre for regular gas yesterday afternoon, that’s compared to $1.46 on the same date a year ago.
The price of gas has gone up about $0.11 cents in about a month, according to the website. We here in BC pay way more than many other provinces across the country. The average in this province right now is $1.40 and it’s $1.26 for the rest of Canada.
The highest prices around the Lower Mainland are in North Vancouver, Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, New Westminster, Delta, Surrey and Port Moody. Abbotsford typically trends with much lower prices.
By the end of May of 2012, regular prices at the pumps were sitting at $1.55.