Igniting A Spark is a Metro-Vancouver environmental conference aimed at bringing together hundreds of passionate, motivated student leaders from across BC. The symposium will be held on February 21, 2014 at Seaquam Secondary in North Delta.
Featuring 2012 TedxKid Talk presenter Veronika Bylicki, students will network with youth from across BC, engage in relevant issues like the Northern Enbridge Pipeline controversy, and connect with sustainability organizations like Earthwise Society. Ultimately, students will leave as part of a youth movement for sustainable change in BC, committed to addressing current environmental dilemmas affecting us today.
Please support this important student initiative by providing some advanced media coverage. Student organizers are available for interviews. We need to get the word out about the conference to students across the Lower Mainland by the end of January (as this is the cut-off date for online registration at greensymposium.drupalgardens.com.)
In addition, please join us at the actual event on February 21, 2014 in North Delta, when students and speakers will be available for interviews.