More drivers plan to avoid Port Mann when tolls go up

It’s been one year since tolls kicked in on the new Port Mann Bridge, but it looks like fewer drivers are willing to use it when tolls go up next month.

That’s according to a new poll, which finds only about a third of drivers like the toll hike; that’s a 14-point drop from a similar poll done right after the bridge opened last year.

Last year, you had 10 per cent of Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley residents who said they did not use that bridge; this year it’s 22 per cent. The fact that you have to pay for it is making people say, ‘if I have to drive somewhere, I’m going to take other routes”.

There’s an even greater split when it comes to which side of the Fraser River you live on. Those on the south side feel they have no other option because it saves them time on their commute.

Almost three quarters of people who live south of the Fraser and use the bridge once a week or more are opposed to the toll; 57 per cent rely on the bridge one to three times a month.

Despite one year of satisfactory usage of the Port Mann Bridge, the issue of tolling remains contentious and opposition to the tolls has intensified.

Tolls will double next month, going up to $3 per crossing.