THE City of Surrey says that pedestrian crashes account for roughly 35% of all traffic fatalities and serious injuries, which is why it is working hard to improve traffic safety for these vulnerable road users.
The City recently hit a milestone, activating its 100th Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI) signal, which activates the walk sign prior to the traffic light. By doing this, pedestrians get a head start into the crosswalk to help drivers making turns see them better and reduce crashes.
“We know people make mistakes, so designing our roads and improving their operations to help reduce crash risk makes sense,” said Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum. “Using our state-of-the-art Traffic Management Centre, the City has implemented Leading Pedestrian Interval signals because we know they work, are low cost and improve safety.
“We will continue to roll LPIs out throughout the City at appropriate intersections. This initiative is just one of many low-cost, high-benefits safety measures in Surrey’s Vision Zero Safe Mobility Plan, which takes a data-driven, best practice approach to road safety. No one should have to grieve the loss of a loved one as the result of our mobility.”
Leading Pedestrian Intervals have been shown to reduce vehicle-pedestrian collisions by approximately 60%. That’s why these signal timing changes are actively implemented as part of the City’s Vision Zero Surrey Safe Mobility Plan.
The plan prioritizes the most vulnerable road users, including pedestrians, and the rapid implementation of LPIs has supported the decline in collisions that kill or injure those walking in our community This work aligns with the Surrey Transportation Plan Bold Moves to Put Safety First.
In 2019, the City had LPIs at roughly 70 intersections. Initially, the LPI timing was set at 4 seconds, but through analysis by engineers and Traffic Management Centre staff that monitor the City’s over 500 intersection cameras, the timing was increased to 7 seconds. Increasing the timing helps improve safety outcomes for pedestrians by reducing pedestrian-vehicle conflicts.
Surrey’s approach to its LPI system is preventative and proactive, as opposed to reactive based on collisions, and the City has been contacted by numerous municipalities across Canada for advice on LPI implementation.
Surrey now has the largest LPI network of any city in B.C. Today, 102 Surrey intersections are equipped with LPIs, and the City continues to add more.
To learn more about LPIs and for a list of LPI-equipped intersections, click here.