NDP MPs on Tuesday called on the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to rectify the muzzling of its own scientists’ findings on the proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project (RBT2) in Delta, B.C.
NDP MPs Richard Cannings (South Okanagan-West Cootenay), Laurel Collins (Victoria) and Bonita Zarrillo (Port Moody-Coquitlam) said that senior Liberal government officials had heavily redacted and even omitted information about significant adverse environmental impacts from both public and First Nations consultation processes. These findings reinforced concerns that the project will cause immediate, irreversible effects to local wildlife and ecosystems.
“What we are seeing is the warnings of scientists being silenced along with the internal suppression of evidence. We’re back to the Harper-Era of silencing scientists for the favourable portrayal of a project,” said Cannings.
“The Liberals like to talk a big game about protecting the environment but, in reality, they are acting no better than the Conservatives by refusing to follow science,” said Collins.
New Democrats are asking the Liberal government to share the full evidence and warnings of ECCC scientists publicly as well as at least a month’s extension of the public comment period, and an independent expert review of the research prior to any final decision on the project.
“People living in the area need to know the impact this development will have on the local environment,” added Zarrillo. “It is unthinkable that the Liberals would keep scientific evidence from Canadians.”
New Democrats said they will continue to stand up for the needs of Canadians an ensure that our wildlife and landscapes are protected for generations to come.