MORE B.C. farmland is being put back into production, providing increased food security for British Columbians, with more than 4,500 hectares (11,300 acres) leased by new and young farmers through the B.C. Land Matching Program (BCLMP).
“The next generation of B.C. farmers are going to play a pivotal role in the province’s food security,” said Pam Alexis, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “By helping to match them with affordable and productive farmland, we are supporting producers starting or growing their agricultural business while ensuring we have more fresh local food available to feed and nourish our communities.”
The program, delivered by the Young Agrarians resource network for farmers, has helped match 284 new farmers with land throughout B.C. with 54 matches made in the past year.
Farmers such as Jason Stashko and Krystyna Delahaye, who began their first farming venture in less-than-ideal soil, are now thriving at their Seed of Life Farm. The couple found it challenging to find affordable and suitable land in the Lower Mainland until they were matched through the BCLMP to 0.8 hectares (two acres) of fertile farmland in Surrey.
“When we sought to put down our farm roots, we were discouraged by the unavailability of land, rental costs and the various steps involved,” said Krystyna. “When we reached out to the BCLMP, we found help liaising with landholders, lease navigation and helpful advice all delivered with professional knowledge. They helped us begin our journey successfully and made us feel confident in starting Seed of Life Farm.”
Krystyna and Jason are now successfully growing fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers at their farm. By supplying local restaurants, stores and farmers markets, they have fostered local partnerships and offer seasonal community-supported agriculture boxes.
The BCLMP offers one-on-one support through the program’s five land matchers who work to connect farmers with land throughout the province. The supports help new and established farmers start and expand their farm operations and create more regional and sustainable farmland. The result is economic development and greater food security for British Columbians.
“Access to land is the No. 1 barrier facing new farmers today,” said Sara Dent, executive director, Young Agrarians. “With today’s land prices, it is essential that new and established farmers can access affordable land to grow food for the future of our local food systems. We are glad to have the support of the Province in this important work of strengthening B.C.’s food security.”
The program is part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food’s Grow BC initiative, which supports young farmers and food producers looking to begin or expand their agriculture business. By addressing challenges such as land access and business planning, the BCLMP seeks to increase the number of new farmers in the province, help grow existing farms and contribute to B.C.’s food security.
Learn More:
For information about the B.C. Land Matching Program, visit:Â
Young Agrarians B.C. Land Matching Program:Â
For information about B.C.’s New Entrant Strategy for the next generation of agricultural leaders, visit:Â
B.C. investments in the BC Land Matching Program
* The B.C. government is investing $480,000 in the BC Land Matching Program for 2023-2024, for a total of $2.2 million since 2018.
* The total number of matches (284) made on approximately 4,572 hectares (11,300 acres) in regions throughout B.C. include:
– Metro Vancouver/Fraser Valley: 72 matches on 90 hectares (224 acres)
– Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands: 86 matches on 139 hectares (345 acres)
– Thompson-Okanagan: 67 matches on 1800 hectares (4,608 acres)
– Columbia Basin: 33 matches on 67 hectares (166 acres)
– Central and northern B.C.: 26 matches on 2,400 hectares (6,025 acres)
* Matches range in size from less than 0.4 hectares to thousands of hectares of farmland.
* The BCLMP is part of the Province’s New Entrant Strategy, which looks to increase the number of new and young farmers working in B.C.’s agriculture sector.
* New farmers typically start out on fewer than four hectares (10 acres), and many of these farms contribute directly to B.C.’s local and regional food supply with an emphasis on direct-to-consumer sales or through farmers markets and restaurants.
* New and small farms are essential to a sustainable and resilient B.C. food system and localized food supply, with 90% of new farmers selling food directly to consumers