PUNJAB Police Inspector General of Police Sukhchain Singh Gill told the media that according to video footage recovered by the police, members of ‘Waris Punjab De’ chief Amritpal Singh’s “Anandpur Ki Fauj” (AKF) were receiving arms training in an area that was probably near Amritpal Singh’s native village Jallupur Khera in Baba Bakala tehsil of Amritsar.
Gill said the footage of weapons being fired was recovered from the phone of the Waris Punjab De chief’s aide, Tejinder Singh, alias Gorkha Baba, of Khanna who was arrested on Thursday, according to Indian media reports.
He claimed that the arms training indicated that Amritpal Singh “was preparing for something big.”
Gill said police had also recovered an AKF logo and some other sensitive videos that would be kept confidential at this point in time.
Gill told the media that of the 207 associates of Amritpal Singh who had been arrested so far, only 30 were serious offenders.
“The misguided youth, some of whom are too young to understand the implications and consequences of their actions, will be treated compassionately,” he said, adding that 177 of those arrested had been placed under simple preventive custody and would be released soon.