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Russia offers asylum to American whistleblower as US fumes

WASHINGTON: Russia stepped up to offer asylum to US whistleblower Edward Snowdenon Tuesday even as a poll showed a majority of Americans (56%) saying they can live with the National Security Agency (NSA) phone-tracking program to investigate terrorism. Reflecting a divide prevalent even among the illuminati, a substantial minority (41%) said it is unacceptable.

Russia’s provocative offer amid souring ties between Washington and Moscow came unsolicited because the man at the centre of the flap has not sought any help and is still believed to be holed up in Hong Kong, the Chinese territory he chose to stage his expose of the US deep state. A spokesman for President Vladimir Putin was reported saying ”If any such an appeal (for asylum) is given, we’ll act according to facts,” much to the delight of US critics who relish the prospect of US hysterics because the bragging rights it has long claimed for civil liberties, especially vis-a-vis Russia and China.

But what came as a surprise on Tuesday amid continuing suspense over the whereabouts of Snowden was the Pew Research poll that showed American acceptance of the government’s intrusive breach of privacy. The June 6-9 survey among 1,004 adults revealed 62% saying it is more important for the federal government to investigate possible terrorist threats, even if that intrudes on personal privacy. Just 34% say it is more important for the government not to intrude on personal privacy, even if that limits its ability to investigate possible terrorist threats.

Among younger people, the divide was 51-45, suggesting they were more concerned about privacy issues, although the general sense is that the younger generation more readily gives away information online. Overall, 56% say it is acceptable that the NSA “has been getting secret court orders to track telephone calls of millions of Americans in an effort to investigate terrorism.”

Indian-origin artist in New Zealand wins top award

Wellington–An Indian-origin artist in New Zealand has won the top award presented by a leading art gallery.

Prakash Patel of Wanganui in New Zealand’s North Island won the Sarjeant Gallery Open Award for his work, titled ‘Astronaut’

It is considered the top award in a series of Sarjeant Gallery Arts Review awards presented by the gallery in Wanganui.

The awards are open to any artist in the Wanganui district in the North Island of this south Pacific island nation and were presented June 7, the Wanganui Chronicle reported Tuesday.

Patel’s acrylic on canvas work is an “eye-catching swirl of blue and black, with details in gold”, according to the report.

“It’s actually part of a series I did for a show in Auckland, but I already had enough paintings for that,” he was quoted as saying.

“So I left it out of the show and entered it for the Arts Review instead.”

With this, Patel, who received NZ$1,000 along with the trophy, has won an Arts Review award for the fourth time.

The artist grew up in Wanganui, studied art at the Eastern Institute of Technology in Napier and returned to Wanganui in 1993 after he had finished his studies.—IANS

Rupee hits new low at 58.98 against dollar

New Delhi–The Indian rupee fell for the second straight day Tuesday, slumping to 58.98 against a dollar on continuing worries over current account deficit and increased demand for the US currency from importers.

The partially convertible rupee weakened by 80 paise to hit a new low of 58.95 against a dollar at the inter-bank foreign exchange market, Mumbai.

It recovered during in the late afternoon session and closed at 58.40 against a dollar, down 0.4 percent from its previous day close at 58.16, on suspected interventions from the Reserve Bank of India.

Comments from senior government officials regarding possible intervention helped the recovery in the currency markets.

Chief economic advisor in the finance ministry Raghuram Rajan said the market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Reserve Bank of India would take “warranted” action to control the rupee slide.

“SEBI, RBI and the government are keenly following what is happening and everybody will act when the time comes,” Rajan said while addressing a press conference in New Delhi.

Rajan said the factors that were responsible for rupee slide were reversing and the currency would stabilise in a few days.

The Indian currency registered its biggest fall in almost two years Monday. It slumped by 1.9 percent to close at 58.16 against a dollar.

The value of rupee has depreciated by more than eight percent in the past one and a half months. It has dropped in 16 out of the last 18 trading sessions.

The rupee is under pressure due to worries over widening current account deficit and firming of the dollar against major global currencies, including the Euro and the Japanese Yen.

Economic Affairs Secretary Arvind Mayaram also said the rupee would stabilise in three-four days.

“In next three-four days, we will see a mid-course correction…Rupee is going to stabilise and we are going to see a positive movement,” Mayaram told reporters. —IANS

Russell Brand became postman for sex

Los Angeles–Actor-comedian Russell Brand said he became a postman so that he can have sex with women while he delivered letters to them.

The 38-year-old actor claims that he was a mailman for three weeks because he thought women would want to have early morning sex with him, reports femalefirst.co.uk.

He said: “I was a mail man for a little while – it didn’t go well. In my mind there’s a cultural illusion that this is an opportunity for early morning conjugal activity.”

“I thought the housewives would open the door with a gesture to the nether regions. It turns out it’s not a window for sex. They just want the letters basically. I thought as a mail man, sex would be everywhere for me. Simply not true. It was series of doors being closed in my face,” he added.

After realising that being a postman did not give him the added bonus of casual sex, the comedian resorted to stealing mail.

He said: “It was a zero percent success rate, so I just resorted to stealing letters. It was the only way to cheer myself up. The money’s not very good so you’re not incentivised to not steal the letters.”

The star, who divorce Katy Perry in 2012, recently claimed he was trying to be more “discerning” about who he sleeps with and attempting to calm down his sexual obsessions.—IANS

Pak women cricketers level sexual harassment charges against officials

PCB forms inquiry committee to probe allegations leveled by women cricketers from Multan region claiming that some officials, including a coach, had demanded sexual favours for selecting and promoting them.

In a scandal that is likely to rock the roots of Pakistan women’s cricket, several players from the Multan region have complained of sexual harassment and misbehaviour by their superiors and officials.

As soon as the complaints were made by some five women players of the Multan region on a television channel yesterday, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) formed a three-member inquiry committee to probe into the matter.

According to women cricketers, some officials, including a coach, had demanded sexual favours for selecting and promoting them.

The players who have made the accusations include Hina Ghafoor, Kiran Khan, Seema Javed, Noor Fatima and Maleeha Shafiq.

They claimed that MCC President Begum Shami Sultan and other club officials were the main culprits in the whole shameful affair and used to demand money from players.

“I had impressive domestic performances and I was confident I would be selected for the national team. But such shameful acts were demanded of me that I decided to quit the game,” accused Kiran.

Maleeha said the MCC would “destroy a girl’s career” if she refused favours. One of the girls even provoked the official, who was taken on beeper by the channel, to answer the allegations against him.

“Tell the truth, just tell everyone why your wife came down to the ground and slapped you in front of everyone,” she said.

The PCB has asked all the five players to appear on June 12 at its regional head office in Lahore.

The committee head and the long serving manager of the national women’s team, Ayesha Ashar said the matter would be probed into thoroughly as it was a “serious” issue.

“The committee will meet each player individually and also examine their career records to see whether any injustice was done to them in selection. It’s a serious matter,” she said.

Banned drug injected into cattle is poisoning milk in India

A two-month-long investigation by an Indian newspaper has exposed how cattle are injected with a hormone called oxytocin every day, in violation of a government ban. While the drug forces the cattle to expel a few extra litres of milk, drinking it may severely harm young children

If you’re a stickler for dietary discipline and insist on that warm glass of milk every morning, here’s news that could make you look at the glass half empty. Prolonged investigations conducted by MiD-DAY have revealed that a banned drug called oxytocin is being administered to buffalos in many tabelas across the city. Oxytocin, while it helps cattle produce more milk, has severely harmful effects on not just the health of the animals it is injected into, but humans who consume milk that comes from them.

Doctors have confirmed that the drug decreases the reproductive ability of cows over time, eventually making them barren. It also reduces the lifespan of cattle. Studies have linked the consumption of milk contaminated with oxytocin to the early onset of puberty in children, which is on an alarming rise these days. Despite a ban on artificially injecting the hormone into cattle, this drug is being supplied secretly to different tabelas, as we discovered in the course of our two-month-long investigations.

Dr V L Deopurkar, director of research, Veterinary University, Nagpur explained, “Oxytocin or Pitocin is an injection used on pregnant women to induce labour. Commercial tabelas are using oxytocin injections almost twice a day on cattle. Upon injecting the drug, the milk, which is otherwise stored in the udder of the cattle for its calves, is also released, giving a few additional litres of milk.”

Will never forget the days spent in jail: Sreesanth


Tainted Rajasthan Royals pacer S Sreesanth maintains that he always played the game in the right spirit and hopes to come out clean from the painful episode.

Out on bail after 27 days in Tihar jail, tainted India pacer S Sreesanth on Tuesday said that he would never want to “forget this episode” as it had taught him a lot of things.

“I don’t want to forget this (episode) but I think it taught me a lot of things,” the disgraced Kerala paceman, who was arrested by Delhi Police’s special cell on May 16, on charges of spot-fixing during IPL VI, told reporters at his lawyer’s residence.

A visibly tired and emotionally exhausted Sreesanth maintained that he had always played the game in right spirit.

“All I can say is that I played the game in true spirit. I always gave my heart and soul for the game,” he said during the conference that turned chaotic.

The maverick paceman expressed his full faith in the judiciary and hopes to come out clean from the episode which rocked Indiaan cricket recently.

“All I say is that I totally believe in the judiciary and in the Indian justice system,” he said as one could see the dark circles around his eyes due to lack of sleep and the unkempt beard that he sported.

Asked what he will do if proven guilty, he replied, “I will surely abide by the law of the land.”

After being freed from prison, Sreesanth thanked all and sundry for their support during the tough phase of his life.

“I am very happy and relieved. God has been kind to me. I must thank God first for sure and then my fans, family, friends, lawyer and all well wishers who stood by me during this testing time,” he said.

Sreesanth and Ankeet Chavan were released on bail this evening. However, their team-mate, Ajit Chandila has not applied for bail.

Sreesanth, Chavan and Chandila were arrested on May 16, along with eleven bookies, and were charged under the Indian Penal Code section 420 and 120B, which deal with fraud, cheating and criminal conspiracy.

BCCI’s ACSU chief Ravi Sawani, who is investigating the charges levelled against the three players, had submitted his report to the board yesterday and now the trio will be expected to depose before the commission.

Mumbai building collapse kills 10

MUMBAI — Part of a four-story building in India’s financial capital collapsed in heavy monsoon rains, killing 10 people including five members of one family, authorities said.

Rescuers used sensors and life detectors but couldn’t recover anyone alive from the debris of the building in the Sion area of Mumbai, the local Municipal Corporation said.

The dead included five members of a local businessman’s family and three from the family of a lawyer, it said in a statement.

Six other people were injured when the structure collapsed Monday night, said Vijayendra Dahiya, an official at the National Disaster Management Authority.

Dahiya said the cause of the collapse was not immediately known.

Police cordoned off the building fearing more of it could cave in.

Building collapses are common in India as builders try to cut corners by using substandard materials, and as multistory structures are built with inadequate supervision.

In April, 74 people were killed when an eight-story building being constructed illegally in the Mumbai suburb of Thane caved in. It was the worst building collapse in the country in decades.

The massive demand for housing around India’s cities and pervasive corruption often result in builders adding unauthorized floors or putting up illegal buildings.

Rural India selling cows, buffaloes on OLX, Quikr

Black ‘Murrah’ buffalo with short and tightly curled horns for Rs 80,000 and herd of 10 ‘Holstein Friesians’ cows at Rs 6 lakh on the click of the mouse the Indian online classifieds are moving beyond usual items such as mobiles, cars and real estate with increasing internet penetration in smaller towns.

Online classifieds players Quikr and OLX are finding good traction for their business from semi urban and rural areas in states like West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa, Assam and Uttar Pradesh.

“While the main metros continue to be top contributors to our site, the rapidly increasing internet usage in tier 2 and 3 towns has also boosted our growth tremendously. Today Tier 2 and 3 cities account for over 50% of our traffic,” Quikr CEO Pranay Chulet told PTI.

OLX, which has a majority of users mainly from metros, is also finding that small town traffic on its site is growing.

“We do notice positive trends from Tier 2 cities as well. These include cities like Jaipur, Surat, Cochin,” OLX CEO Amarjit Batra said.

With these sites offering platform to users to buy and sell a wide range of products, it is not surprising that enterprising farmers are using them to sell their pets and animals as well.

“People are now witnessing responses to ads even for pets and animals like cows and buffaloes, which have been listed for sale on OLX from rural or semi urban areas,” Batra said, adding such trends were prevalent globally.

Buying and selling of such dairy animals is already a practice in rural India and the availability of this platform has further catalysed the trading of dairy farming animals ensuring better reach and responses compared to other traditional platforms, he added.

Indian restaurant owner beaten up in Australia

MELBOURNE: In an apparent racist attack, an Indian restaurant owner was beaten up and verbally abused by a group of teenagers inAustralia’s Ballarat near Melbourne.

22-year-old Himanshu Goyal was bashed up and verbally abused while closing his Bridge Mall eatery about 9.30 pm (local time) on Friday when eight teenagers shouted racial abuse at him while another in the group punched him on face.

Ballarat Police official Matt Hayes said the incident was being investigated and police was viewing CCTV footage and hoped to track down the attackers soon, according to local media report.

Ballart mayor John Burt met Goyal at the local hospital and vowed to hunt down the accused.

“Ballarat is a city that prides itself on being welcoming of all and I am disgusted that this type of attack has occurred,” Burt said, referring to the attack which left Goyal with multiple fractures to his jaw.

“I am horrified and disgusted that this type of attack has occurred,” Burt said, adding “On behalf of everyone in this city I want to express our sincere apology that this has happened to you.”

“We are all on your side and I will make sure these thugs are found,” the mayor said, adding he was prepared to take a stand against racism in Ballarat.

“(It) isn’t just in schools where children need to be educated,” Burt said. “It’s throughout the whole community.”

Goyal has suffered facial injuries and has been advised that he may not be able to eat for over six weeks.

His brother Utsav said the young restaurateur was overwhelmed by the amount of support the community had shown.

Goyal had migrated to Australia in 2008 from India as a student and was now running a restaurant.

“I am very scared now and am thinking of selling my shop. I have experienced racism in the past and it needs to stop,” Goyal said.