(These are FREE listings. Submit your event at EditorVoice@gmail.com)
Free Help To Do Your Taxes
If you have a modest income and a simple tax situation, volunteers from the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) can do your taxes for you for free. The CVITP has free tax preparation clinics all across Canada, run by organizations and volunteers in your community. Tax clinics are open from mid-February to the end of April, with some even open year-round. You can also find a tax clinic with the free MyCRA web app when you select “Help with my taxes”. Tax help through the CVITP is available to anyone with a modest income and a simple tax situation. Program volunteers do not file tax returns for those with complex tax situations, such as: individuals filing returns for deceased persons; individuals filing for bankruptcy; self-employed individuals; individuals reporting capital gains or losses; individuals reporting employment expenses; individuals reporting business or rental income and expenses. To determine if you are eligible for this service call the CRA toll free at 1-888-805-6662, or visit canada.ca/taxes-help. Taxpayers are reminded to bring all of their 2017 slips and receipts and a copy of their 2016 tax return and Notice of Assessment. For a complete listing of locations, time and dates for the Surrey area, visit canada.ca/taxes-help.
South Asian Seniors: Filing Income Tax Returns Free
Vedic Seniors Parivar Centre of Vedic Hindu Cultural Society Surrey informs South Asian Seniors that during the tax filing period we can help you to file your income tax returns for the year 2017 free of cost through the community volunteer program of Canada Revenue Agency from now to April 30 if you are living in Surrey / Delta. The eligibility criteria are: 1. Single individual with annual income limit up to $30,000. 2. Couples with annual income up to $40,000. 3. Three persons’ income $42,500. 4. Four persons’ income $45,000, 5. Five persons’ income $47,500. 6. Add $ 2,500 for additional members. Interest income not over $ 1,000 and this income will be included as total eligibility. With no investment income, no rental income, no business or partnership income and no capital gain or loss. Sin# card and photo identity will be required to prove the documents. If you are eligible, contact Surendra Handa, coordinator, at 604-507-9945 for further information.
PICS & KPU: Learn English
Community Adult Literacy Program (CALP): PICS in partnership with Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Surrey is offering Free English language classes for newcomers, Canadian citizens and work permit holders. Classes run every Monday and Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Participants learn about the Canadian work culture such as resume writing, cover letter, job search, interview skills and work expectations through English. Qualified teacher Gita, who is certified to teach English as a Second Language and is highly experienced, entices students to practice English communication while working in pairs or group activities. Hands-on computer activities, visits to the WorkBC centre and presentations by guest speakers are part of the curriculum. Daily news events and other topics of interest to the students are part of the daily routine. Free on-site childcare is available for students with children. Call Eva Touzard at 604-596-7722, ext. 138, to register.
Delta: Parent-Child Mother Goose
A new session of Parent-Child Mother Goose will begin mid April. There is still space available at the George Mackie Library and the North Delta Family Place locations. If you are a Delta resident, call the George Mackie Library at 604-594-8155 and talk to a staff member to register. Discover fun with rhymes, songs, and stories. This is an interactive program for babies 15 months and younger as well as caregivers and continuing until June 18, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the George Mackie Library or on Fridays, from now to June 15, 12-1 p.m., at the North Delta Family Place at New Hope Church, 11838 – 88th Avenue. Mother Goose helps your baby learn speech and language skills. Healthy snacks are provided.
PICS Child Care Centre, Cloverdale
Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS) Society’s Child Care Centre at 6050
– 176th Street within Cloverdale Rodeo Grounds premises is now accepting registrations. No registration fee if you register your child in 2018. The $100 registration fee will be waived and you will get free childcare for the rest of April and May. Bring your children to explore and play, ask questions, meet staff, register and have fun. Drop in between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday to Friday. Children should be between the ages of 30 months to school age. Fees may vary according to the children’s care schedule. Call PICS Child Care Manager Flavia Gavrilovits, at 778-995-1872 or Devinder Chattha, Director, Language Studies, Settlement and Social programs at 604-596-7722, ext. #107 to register your child or for any other information.
KPU Surrey: South Fraser Regional Science Fair
Surrey and Delta students in grades 7 through 12 at Fraser Regional Science Fair at Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s (KPU) Surrey campus this Friday and Saturday. More than 130 budding scientists representing 35 schools will present their projects and defend their findings in hopes of gaining recognition from the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) community for their work. Awards will include medals, trophies, scholarships, travel awards, and cash prizes valued at more than $20,000. Students will also be selected for up to eight coveted spots to the 2018 Canada-Wide Science Fair held in Ottawa in May. The public is encouraged to visit the fair during public viewing on Saturday, April 21, from 11 a.m. to noon in the KPU Surrey conference centre located in the Cedar Building (12666 72nd Avenue). Admission is free. Pay parking will be in effect. For more information, visit www.surrey.sfu.ca/sfrsf.
South Asian Seniors: Travel Experiences
Vedic Senior Parivar Centre of Vedic Hindu Cultural Society Surrey invites South Asian adults / senior members as well as non-members to attend a presentation to share the experiences of Surendra Handa, Coordinator, of his recent visit to China, South Korea and Japan for 21 days. The presentation will be held on Sunday, April 22, 2-3:30 p.m., at Shanti Niketan Hall of Lakshmi Narayan Hindu Temple, 8321 140th Street, Surrey. Tea & light snacks will be served after the presentation. Call Surendra Handa at 604-507-9945 for further details.
Voices of Muslim Women: VMW Awards Gala
On Sunday, April 22, at 6:30 p.m., Voices of Muslim Women (VMW) will be holding their annual VMW Awards Gala, a public event that will be held at the Bell Performing Arts Centre in Surrey. Hosts this year include Aliza Vellani, of the award-winning CBC series, “Little Mosque on the Prairie”, and UBC Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair Dr Ayesha S. Chaudhry. The evening will feature a screening of locally produced films, and an awards ceremony honoring the achievements and contributions of local Muslim women. Additionally, there will be a photography exhibit featuring award winning photographer, Alia Youssef’s “The Sisters Project”. For tickets, more information or for any inquiries, email gala@voicesofmuslimwomen.com.
International Dance Day
We Dance – Celebrating International Dance Day is the 4th annual opportunity for the public to take free workshops in diverse dance styles as well as view a showcase of dance. Join for free dance workshops on Friday, April 27 from 1-2:30 p.m.; catch emerging and professional dancers display their talent through a free dance showcase performance on Saturday, April 28 from 2-3:30 p.m. Both events are open to people of all ages and abilities and will take place in the Central Atrium at Aberdeen Centre. For more information about We Dance: Celebrating International Dance Da, visit http://iddrichmond.wixsite.com/iddrichmondbc.
Sai Japa
All devotees are invited at Hindu Cultural Society and Community Centre of B.C. at 5420 Marine Drive, Burnaby, to participate in Sai Japa on Saturday, April 28 at 5 p.m. Program: 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. – Bhajan / Kirtan; 6:30-7:15 p.m. – Sai Japa; 7:30 p.m. – Priti Bhojan.
Investors Group Walk for Alzheimer’s
Register and fundraise today at walkforalzheimers.ca: White Rock, North Delta and Surrey – no one should walk alone. Show an estimated 70,000 British Columbians living with dementia and the people who care for them – you stand with them. Join the Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s movement to create a dementia-friendly society, by rallying together with your family, friends and colleagues and walking on Sunday, May 6. Location: Eaglequest Golf at Coyote Creek, 7778 152nd Street. Registration: 9:30 a.m. Walk: 10:30 a.m.
Indian Classical Music Society of Vancouver
Pandit Rajan and Sajan Mishra Live in Concert. Presented by: ICMSV – Indian Classical Music Society of Vancouver. Artistes: Pandit Rajan and Sajan Misra (vocal); Vineet Vyas (tabla) and Sumit Mishra (harmonium). Saloni Gandhi – Concept and Curator for the World Tour. On June 1 at 7:30 p.m. at Anvil Centre, New Westminster. Tickets: Regular – $35, VIP – $50 (inclusive of service charges). Online Purchase: https://www.ticketsnw.ca/TheatreManager/1/tmEvent/tmEvent880.html. Box Office: (604) 521-5050
(For more events, visit the “Events” section of our website at voiceonline.com)