THE British Columbia Association of Chiefs of Police (BCACP) said on Thursday that recognizing British Columbians would benefit from a coordinated approach to the use of body-worn cameras (BWCs), it struck a Special Purpose Committee in 2021 to ensure consistency in procedures and alignment with BC Policing Standards across the province.
While all BC police agencies will introduce the cameras at varying times, the Delta Police Department and Vancouver Police Department have already done so.
“We understand that while many people support the use of body worn cameras, there are still concerns that have been expressed about how this technology will work,” said committee co-chair, RCMP Chief Superintendent Holly Turton. “This is why the BCACP recognized the need to collaborate, consult and to ensure that operational policing standards and policies were consistent across all police agencies in British Columbia.”
The committee’s mandate is to identify best practices, ensure consistency in standard operating procedures, policies, and communications and to consult with other agencies whose work will be impacted by the introduction of BWCs, including the BC Prosecution Service, Independent Investigations Office of BC (IIO), the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (OPCC), and PRIME BC.
“While each agency will develop its own BWC policies, through the work of this committee, a standardized framework has been established to ensure consistency in implementation across the province. The policies will adhere to the BC Provincial Government’s Provincial Policing Standard 4.2.1, which regulates the use of body-worn cameras by police in BC,” said Delta Deputy Chief Harj Sidhu who co-chairs the BCACP Special Purpose Committee.
The Delta Police Department piloted BWCs in stages beginning with the Violence Suppression Team and later expanding to the Traffic Section. Following further evaluation and community consultation, which indicated strong support for the BWC program, the Delta Police Department was the first department to expand the program to frontline patrol services in 2023.
“The BCACP values the trust and confidence of British Columbians. Our vision is to continuously enhance services in support of public safety through collaboration between all policing agencies in the province,” said BCACP President, Deputy Chief Fiona Wilson of the Vancouver Police Department.