Delta Police’s handling of case involving spouse of its chief constable under investigation

THE Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (OPCC) announced on Tuesday that as a result of a complaint filed from a member of the public, it has initiated an external investigation into allegations of misconduct related to the Delta Police Department’s handling of a case involving the spouse of the department’s chief constable.

The case involves the alleged verbal and physical assaults on Richmond school district teacher Kiran Sidhu several weeks ago by the wife of Delta Police Chief Constable Neil Dubord. The case is now being investigated by Surrey RCMP.

The OPCC has also forwarded a related service and policy complaint to the Delta Police Board regarding the adequacy of the department’s policies and procedures in handling matters where there is a real or perceived conflict of interest.

The OPCC said it learned of the incident initially in media reports and requested additional information from the Delta Police Department. The office subsequently received a misconduct complaint from an affected person.

After reviewing the complaint and responses provided by the Delta Police Department, the OPCC deemed the complaint admissible and assigned the Vancouver Police Department to carry out an external disciplinary conduct investigation into the matter.

The disciplinary conduct investigation will focus solely on whether any Delta police officer committed misconduct in the matter, and is entirely separate from the RCMP criminal investigation currently underway. The OPCC has no role in criminal investigations.

Both the disciplinary misconduct investigation and the service and policy complaint will be conducted under the oversight of the OPCC.