Hostile protestors outside Surrey banquet hall forced Trudeau’s security team to cancel his appearance

Protestors were openly racist againt South Asians


PRIME Minister Justin Trudeau’s security team decided to cancel his in-person appearance at a fundraiser dinner organized by mainly South Asian supporters at Surrey’s Aria Banquet Hall on Tuesday evening as the number of hostile protestors outside the venue kept increasing steadily.

Surrey RCMP Cpl. Vanessa Munn, Media Relations Officer, told The VOICE on Wednesday: “At approximately 4:40 p.m. [on Tuesday] there was a small group of protestors outside of the banquet hall gates. The number of protestors continued to grow in size and included with the protest were several cars, larger trucks, and vehicles towing trailers that were travelling in a convoy style loop around the roadway. Due the size and composition of the protest group and for the safety of everyone in attendance, a decision was made that it was not safe for the Prime Minister to attend the location. Police remained on site to ensure the safety of all parties involved.”

When asked whether the decision for Trudeau not to attend was made by his security team or Surrey RCMP, Munn said: “For security reasons, the RCMP doesn’t comment on specifics when it comes to security measures afforded to the Prime Minister.”

Inside the banquet hall.

However, The VOICE has learned that the decision was made by Trudeau’s security team. According to some reports, the protestors even used racial slurs. Apparently, the security team feared that the situation could turn ugly and wanted to avoid a situation like the one that occurred last September in London, Ontario, where a man pelted Trudeau with gravel at a campaign stop.

The Canadian Press reported that Trudeau spoke to the gathering by Zoom for some minutes, saying that no one should be intimidated or stopped from exercising their democratic freedoms “because that’s what this country is all about.” He said he would meet them in the future.

Randeep Sarai

Surrey MP Randeep Sarai told the media that the protesters swore and yelled at everyone attending the event. He said South Asian volunteers “were harassed, sworn at, called towel head, rag head, you’re all immigrants.”