BC Liberal MLAs call on government to stop stalling on ride sharing

Stephanie Cadieux

BC Liberal members of the all-party committee on ride-hailing are calling on the NDP to stop stalling on the issue. The unanimous report reinforces that British Columbians want ride sharing and tells the government exactly how to implement it.

“The committee unanimously supported a province-wide approach to governing TNCs [Transportation Network Companies] and highlighted key issues to consider when developing effective ride-hailing legislation,” said Stephanie Cadieux, Deputy Chair of the Committee and MLA for Surrey South. “The NDP now have no excuse to continue their stalling tactics on this issue.”

“First the NDP stalled by saying they needed to consult with the taxi industry and hired a consultant to undertake a review that still isn’t complete,” said Peter Milobar, committee member and MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson. “Then to appease their junior partners, the NDP sent the issue of ride-hailing to the committee. So while this report now lays out the ‘how-to’ for government, the consultant’s report is still in progress, the NDP stalling continues and British Columbians are still left waiting.”

“We have always supported a level playing field for both taxis and ride-hailing companies in British Columbia,” added Jordan Sturdy, MLA West Vancouver Sea-to-Sky and BC Liberal Transportation Critic. “The legitimization of Transportation Network Companies will provide new and increased transportation options for people across the province, in both urban and rural communities.”

The Liberals said British Columbians were promised ride-hailing by the end of 2017 and they will be lucky to see it by the end of 2018. The stalling tactics are another example of how the NDP are afraid to govern and British Columbians deserve better than a government that can’t make decisions.




  1. BC don’t need any ridesharing company. There should be single dispatch system(open system) in whole BC for taxis. This is the only solution for this problem. Thanks

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